- Amazing Content
- Original Approach to Rule34
- Active Community
- Library Needs Even More Art
The world of Rule 34 has been growing steadily since the very first digital artist realized that they wouldn’t have to rely on external sources for perverted renditions of popular characters. Since 2013, Rule 34 Hentai have worked really hard at providing an alternative to the popular booru sites that have conquered the mainstream for over two decades.
The Art of the Booru
The booru format has been popular ever since the advent of image-boards during the early days of the internet. The general idea behind them is that they offer a very simple layout that lends itself to a ton of posting, around the clock. Namely, the format makes image posting a breeze. It also comes with a now famous method of tagging photos in extreme detail.
The idea is that you add as many tags as possible to a given image when you upload it and others can add tags as well. That way, if you’re looking for more content that features a specific element from a given image, you can see every other image on the site that features that tag. This also means that cross-referencing is a breeze. You can combine a body part with another body part, throw in a fetish or two as well as a gender preference and you’ll get a neat breakdown of all possible results. You no longer have to sift through pornography manually.
The booru format is of course not directly aligned with porn. It can be used to post any kind of imagery and sure enough there are tons of boorus that are casual and feature non-pornographic material. There are also general boorus that mix and match, but it’s clear that the largest and most popular boorus are adult themed.
Dribbling Ahead Between the Competition
The original smut booru masterpiece came out in 2007 under the name Danbooru and in one form or another it has persisted until this day. Unfortunately, Danbooru is constantly under fire and they’ve had to change their URL more than once. Still, they remain the masters of their industry and much like Rule34Hentai they’re entirely free to browse through.
Rule34Hentai have been trying really hard to squeeze past Danbooru and other sites that post similar content. It’s quite difficult to differentiate yourself from the competition, especially when hentai-posting is the go-to. There is no real way to be original when it comes to posting hentai because the community that loves this content has a very general love for all things Japanese. Beyond that, the world of hentai has been expanded to include western characters in an eastern style. You can even see this influence in the non-smut characteristics of modern characters in video games, say, like those of Overwatch.
It’s no wonder that the hentai loving community has taken to drawing these characters in further hentai-influenced styles completing the circle. There are now literal tens of thousands of artworks depicting Overwatch characters in sexual situations and the majority of those are extremely Asian in art style. It’s safe to say that hentai is no longer a Japanese exclusive, though they are the progenitors of the style. These days, everyone can be hentai, so to speak. No virtual character is safe from the powerful grasp of hentai appreciation.
The Powerful Reach of Rule34
Rule 34, for the uninitiated, states that if something exists, there’s usually porn of it. This adage is usually applied to fictional characters and celebrities, but inanimate objects can be sexualized as well. That means that if you’re looking for smut that specifically contains a sandwich and a can of soda, for some reason, you will find at least one smut piece depicting this coitus.
And if the particular piece of smut you’re looking for doesn’t exist, you’re sure to find someone who’d be willing to draw it, usually for free. It’s not about servicing the public, mind you. It’s more a matter of pushing the limits of pornography and seeing just how much porn the world can create before covering absolutely everything. Since there are always new fictional characters being created every day, it’s unlikely this trend is ever going to end. Still, you can rest assured that Rule34Hentai will be here to document it.
Rule34Hentai have the same mission as many other boorus before them – trying to document as many Rule34 pieces as possible. Their goals are naturally a bit narrower as they focus on Rule34 specifically, rather than standard hentai renditions that are not porn adaptations. Now, you might be thinking that any smut piece is technically Rule34 and you’d be right, but the community makes an exception. If a character is already sexualized to begin with, a sexual rendition isn’t a conversion. There’s no magic there. For the most part they like seeing characters and objects that were vanilla to begin with, turned into sexual deviants by the artist. Rule34 is primarily here to provide porn of characters that wouldn’t otherwise take their clothes off on camera, fictional or otherwise.
A Pearl Among Diamonds
Rule34Hentai is not unique in the literal sense. There are tons of other boorus that you can go to to enjoy the same type of content. They try to stick out in the only other way possible, which is to appeal to a set community and be as active as possible. With their dedication to Rule34, their perfect booru layout and a very active community, they work hard to encourage communication and interaction.
Plus, the bigger a website is the more people there are on it and the more your voice gets drowned out among the masses. You’ll suffer this problem a lot less on Rule34Hentai, because in comparison to other similar sites, they have a small community. Still, they boast a large enough community so that you always get a response, especially when you’re talking about your favorite types of smut.
The idea behind Rule34Hentai is that it’s a community driven forum, among other things. Even their money-making model reflects this. They are entirely Patreon funded, and seemingly run by one person who goes by the nickname “Rastafarian”. They boast just below 200 backers at this point, but even at that rate, the site is making enough money to stay afloat. Booru sites don’t require that much maintenance cost, given they only need storage for images and the associated bandwidth isn’t nearly as hefty as it would be if they were to host videos instead.
There is no forum on the site to speak of, which can be a bit odd for a site that prides itself on having an active community. Still, the interactions just keep coming in the form of comments on individual art pieces. You can even check out a general comments section that lists the latest and hottest comments so you can join the discussion right away. You even get to see the images that these comments are in reference to so you know what you’re getting yourself into.
The Types of Smut
Diving deep into the differences between one type of Rule34 image and another, you start to see a lot of diversity, with some popular niches that particularly stick out. First of all, there’s the vanilla renditions of blowjobs and vaginal penetration which are rampant, but kind of drowned out by the smuttier genres.
There’s some preference of bestiality on this site, that might be coincidental or just an indication of the spirit of the times. Say you’re looking for Rule34 of a particular Overwatch characters. At least half of them are going to feature some kind of animal genitalia rather than a human male. You might even see more lesbian sex on the site than standard guy on girl action. If you do see guy on girl action, it’s usually going to feature another character from the same franchise, rather than a guy who was drawn in just for the sake of supplying his genitals.
There are also a ton of solo shots that feature both male and female characters in pin-up positions with a lot of attention to detail and sexualized features. It’s commonplace to see characters that aren’t particularly sexualized or appealing, beautified by the artist. This is undoubtedly done so that masturbating to these characters is much easier for you.
Finally, you should remember the most important type of smut on Rule34Hentai – that is the smut that hasn’t been drawn yet. Both Rastafarian and the other artists featured on the site are always looking to make more smut, so you should definitely be vocal about your opinions and expectations. Still, you should show some restraint and respect, as they are artists that primarily work for free and they do not owe the community anything. They’re the kind of generous artists that live to make the world a better place and use their talents for good. So if you’re looking for a wholesome Rule34 experience and a fun community to rally around, this booru will not let you down.
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