Rule 34 Paheal Go to Rule 34 Paheal
  • There is a massive archive with several new uploads added every hour
  • When it comes to variety, this animated erotica platform may be unmatched
  • Getting an account is super fast, free, and other members are friendly
  • The website’s design is kind of dismal and needs to be revamped
  • All of the search and filter tools are some of the weirdest we have seen
  • Some are going to find the lolicon and similar content to be questionable
  • The mobile version needs to be optimized, and the website is not finished
Given how commonly searched porn is online, Rule 34 is perhaps the most well-known internet meme which most people do not want to admit to knowing. However, just in case you are not familiar, this iron law of the world wide web states that "there is a porn [version] of it somewhere on the net. There are no exceptions.” "It" being defined as any sort of sexual fantasy, fetish, or another kind of salacious scenario. While this rule technically can be applied to porn in any medium, this term usually applies to fan fiction writing and animated porn, especially hentai. Often this type of material is a parody of existing intellectual properties though there are several examples of original and highly creative content, both of which are represented on Rule 34 Paheal.

A Website With A Weird History

The first thing about this website that stood out to us was the fact that for a website that is so old, part of a more extensive network, and has so much content, we could not find much about its backgrounds. Apparently, Rule 34 is one of three surviving websites in the existing network, or at least it seems that way. The Paheal main landing page links you to Rule 34, Rule 63, and Cosplay – the second of which takes you to the first, and the last link does not function. Since was founded at the beginning of 2003, we suspect that the other two websites have undergone so many changes and so much material moved to Rule 34, they became superfluous. That, or they could be blocked by so many internet services providers, the webmaster, wiiaboo, decided not to maintain them. After all, he has written extensively re-written the rules to allow for as much animated porn to be published without running afoul of the policies of internet companies. In fact, wiiaboo’s work has been so controversial that he lost access to all of his PayPal accounts. Whatever the case, Rule 34 has survived over the ages, been heavily modified, and has an astounding amount of amorous material archived.

The Layout Is a Bit Wonky

Rather than have an age verification page (at least on the desktop version), the entrance page hosts a series of buttons. A couple connects you to the homepage, the tag section, a page of downloadable FAQ documents, which is not the actually FAQ and also includes some broken links which we will talk about later. There is also a series of anime-style girls holding up the total number of posts, apparently to entice a visitor to enter the website. As of writing this review, there are an impressive 2,985,383 posts. If you click on either the link titled Rule 34 or Posts, you will be taken to the main page, which is best described as a visual overload. The background is a strange light green, the linked text is medium blue, and everything else is black. There are several banner adverts throughout the page, many of which are animated or are GIFs, which, while many of these are somewhat titillating, they quickly become very distracting. Moving on, the page's design is similar to a wiki but modified to host porn pictures in the center of the screen with a host of links to the typical features seen on other sex-centered social platforms: that, and even more ads further down the page. Simply put, while not per se sloppy, but there is a lot going on.

Searching For Content Is A Bit Strange

At the top of each page, you are going to see three drop-down menus, plus the search bar. The menus are appropriately labeled, and most of them include important links. However, the search engine is one of the strangest we have ever seen. If you were to enter in a simple term which you think would get several results like 'boobs,' you will get an error message. However, if you were to use one of the related search prompts like 'boobsgames' you will see a smattering of well-endowed cartoon women. Fortunately, if you type in a few letters, you should see a series of dozens of suggestions. Still, it will take time to figure out what you want to see and how to find it via the search engine.

Good Luck Navigating Through The Tags

Just like the number of fetishes seen in hentai, the tags on this site are overwhelming. Unfortunately, we feel that there are simply too many to sort through. Plus, the default setting size for each tag varies by popularity, which makes the page it hard not only to find items but simply difficult to look at. On a positive note, if you sort the results by popularity or resetting the alphabetical listings, the font size for all tags is the same.

The Animated Erotica Appears To Be Unique

In keeping with its namesake, there are torrents of (mostly) unique cartoon kink. By unique, we mean that these seem to be original works created by the users, not taken from some obscure corner of the internet without accreditation. Further, there is an even mix of cartoon porn, which parodies famous franchises from all over the world along with apparently entirely original characters. When it comes to style, there are all sorts represented and, while the focus is on variants of anime, there Western, hybrid, and realistic computer-generated types as well. Thanks to this seasoned platform's massive membership, fresh fap material is added on an hourly basis. In fact, as many as half a dozen new high definition pictures might be added in less than twenty minutes.

The Number Of Social Features Are Limited

While you can comment on videos and interact with other members a few other ways, and the level of engagement you are going to find varies depending on when you are online. For example, there is a chatroom complete with moderators, suggested topics, and there are at least a dozen members online. However, sometimes people want to hang out but not actually talk too much for some reason. To be fair, if you want to keep up with some of the most recently viewed images by clicking on the Comments link. There you will, obviously, see the freshest commented fap pictures which are generally rather funny. Furthermore, the Friends of the Site pages list members who create their own art and link to their offsite favored platforms where they post their work like DeviantArt, HentaiFoundry, and Tumblr. There are even clarifications made if the artist is not taking commissions and if they are how best to contact them.

The Amount Of Advertisements Per Page Are Obnoxious

We already touched on this a little, but ads are everywhere, and we are not just talking about the six to eight banners you might see on any given page. Though it does not happen with every click, it happens that it is frequently enough that we had a problem with this site's popups. Even if you press right down on a link or thumbnail, we estimate that there is a 25% chance that one to three spammy landing pages will open up.

Simple Sign Up; Terribly Complex Terms Of Service

On its face, getting a free-of-charge account is just as uncomplicated as most other smut sites. The drill is, enter your chosen name, password, and your email if you want. However, the website strongly recommends that you read through their lengthy rules and FAQ, and we do, too. To have your content stay up after it has been uploaded and to prevent it or anything else of your stolen, you are going to need to do a lot of reading. Besides what we have mentioned so far, you are also going to want to check out the page of tagging posts so that your art shows up on the platform's wonky search engine. It is also vital to understand that art theft, tracing, and re-posting pirated material has been a problem. So, before signing up, you are going to need to see the DNP or Do Not Post page, which lists internet users who have a reputation for engaging in the previously mentioned elicit activity. Finally, you are going to want to read the Announcements page, since they have stringent rules about artwork that portrays male or female characters which appear to be very young.

The Mobile Experience Is Disappointing

Unsurprisingly, the mobile version of the website has not been visited by a web-optimized in any sense of the word. So, you are going to have to zoom in and out and scroll around a lot. It is terrible that every time you open up a link, it will open in a new tab, and the original will redirect to a spam page. Worse, there are some popup adds which you can click out of on the desktop version, which you cannot on handheld devices. Worse still, it is virtually impossible to size the page so that you see all or most of the image but not any distracting links or adverts. So, if you are going to view this site at all, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer.

What Has Been Executed Well On This Erotica Site

The most standout part of Rule 34 Paheal is the continuous addition of apparently new, nude cartoons dozens of which are added on an hourly basis. The range of art styles is undoubtedly pleasing, as are the many porn parodies and exclusive characters engaging in some of the wildest smut ever seen even compared to hentai circles. Unfortunately, there is no forum, but there is a chatroom that may be active, and the Comments link lists the most recent, often horny, and humorous comments.

What Desperately Needs To Be Changed

The strangest, messiest aspect of this platform is the number of either broken links or unfinished pages all over the website. For example, the IRC link nestled in the Community menu, unlike the link labeled Chat Room, is a dead end. Further, while you can add a picture when you have an account, there is a misleading link, which happens to be labeled Upload, in the Main menu takes users to an error page. Despite what the landing page would suggest, the Wiki page – or whatever that link is supposed to be – does not lead to anything. And no, there are no jobs being offered either. For some reason, there is a page dedicated entirely to listing the site’s staff. Apparently, this part of the platform is intended to allow users to report filing issues. However, we feel that this should be replaced by a contact us page and that all complaints should be sent to all moderators who can then volunteer to address the problem or be assigned by an administrator. That or we would consolidate that page with the Staff and Programmer pages. Lastly, the mobile version desperately needs to get some degree of attention. Literally, from top to bottom, every page looks terrible, which dramatically hampers the user's experience. We would simplify each page so that the thumbnail and full version of pictures, not all other site features, and a bevy of flashy ad banners. We would also reduce the number of adverts per page, or at the very least restructure where on the page they appear.

Will You Enjoy This Porn Parody Platform?

Even if you scanned through this review, you probably noticed that our list of complaints and suggestions for improvement is far longer than the bit above that where we discussed what we liked. To sum up, while there is an impressive amount of content featuring fornication and fetishes even we had not imagined, both the desktop and mobile versions of the website need to be completely restructured. Further, any site which needs to keep a running, public list of users who are scammers, trolls, and thieves is carrying far too much baggage. That does not mean that this porn art platform is not worth looking at. However, since it has so many problems and is (ironically) rather niche despite its wide selection, we think that only anime and animated kink enthusiasts will appreciate this erotica website. They might give it a three or a four. However, we can only assign two and a half hands out of five.
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