- No Fetish Restrictions When Uploading or Viewing Content
- No Account or Subscription Requires to View the Entire Catalog
- Many Search, Filter, and Tag Options to Help Navigation
- Quality Mobile Experience
- Site Could Benefit from More User Customization Options
Gelbooru.com is a Free Imageboard Site With Few Content Restrictions
Gelbooru.com is a free to use imageboard site. There are a variety of “booru” style websites that draw their style and general formatting practices from the original booru site: Danbooru. To explain Gelbooru, a basic understanding of Danbooru is needed. Danbooru hosts pictures and GIFs of anime, hentai, and even photos of real-life cosplayers. Danbooru has strict moderation, and certain kinds of content (mainly extreme fetish content) are hidden behind paywalls that require a premium membership to view. Gelbooru was created by a few individuals who helped run Danbooru. These members wanted a free website with more content and fewer restrictions. For starters, Gelbooru automatically uploads and hosts every single image that has ever been uploaded to Danbooru. Then, users are allowed to upload their own content as long as it isn’t of real-life models or cosplayers. That includes more extreme content that users would normally have to pay for on Danbooru like “Toddlercon, Shota, Guro, and Scat.” Gelbooru still has some restrictions, but these mainly focus on not infringing on other artist’s copyright.Launched in 2007 as an Offshoot of Danbooru
Gelbooru.com launched in early 2007 with a good deal of success due to the guaranteed audience of users from the other booru sites at the time. Now, the site brings in over 7 million users on a monthly basis, which is not too far off what Danbooru manages to bring in every month. For an offshoot site with such a similar format to other sites, those numbers are rather impressive. The landing page for Gelbooru has a white and blue theme that has become iconic for the site. Users can type anything into the search bar to pull up a selection of hentai images from the site’s large catalog of over 4.7 million images, video clips, and GIFs. There is a small header menu on this page that lets users hop over to the main “Posts” section, which acts as the actual homepage for the site. Or users can click over to their account, the forum, or a wiki that answers any site questions users may have.Many Different Options for Engaging With the Community and the Content
Clicking over to any of those options will bring you to what functions as the main page for the site. At the very top will be a header with options for “Posts, Comments, Wiki, Tags, Pools, Forum, Trac, Store, and Live.” The live option takes you to whatever the current Livestream is for the site. This could be anything from a game being streamed to someone from the site simply chatting with users. The store has merch available for purchase. Trac has site tickets for any support issues. The Forum is active and has a wide variety of topics, though a free account is required to make posts or threads there. Pools is a section for user-submitted collections that usually revolve around certain fetishes and kinds. The tags page has a list of well over one thousand tags that you can filter the site’s content by. The wiki has any information you may need to know about how the site sorting systems work. And the comments page shows off the newest user comments on images and posts.Use a Comprehensive Tag System to Find Any Fetish Content Imaginable
Most of the homepage is taken up by image previews. These are automatically ordered by the newest additions to the site. It is likely that every time you refresh you will have a brand new page of image previews to view. Previews with a thick blue border are animated or video clips while images without borders are simply static pictures. To the left side of the site, users will find a quick list of tags that they can use to modify their search. Compared to other booru sites, Gelbooru allows users to add any number of tags to their search. This allows for very specific searches that wouldn’t be possible on other sites. Below the main header is another selection of options for “List, Upload, Upload WebM, Random, Saved Searches, and Discord.” Uploading content to Gelbooru is straightforward and does not require an account of any sort. Though Pornsites does recommend that users go ahead and sign up for a free account. Having an account lets you keep track of the content that you have posted, things you have searched for, and a wide variety of other stat trackers. If you plan to be a regular commenter or contributor to the site, then making a free account is highly recommended. Also, having an account allows users to filter out content and tags that they may not want to have showing up in their feed. Random, of course, pulls up a random selection of images. Though there are no options for further filtering the main page by popularity, trending, or any traditional options like those. Instead, the site fully relies on the tag system to filter pages. If you’re looking to chat outside of the forum, then the fairly active Discord server is a good place to start.Free to Download Hentai Images, Videos, GIFs, and More
The content itself varies in quality depending on the uploader, but every single image or video on the site is free to stream or download. Users may encounter some redirect ads when clicking around the site, as well as banners here and there. But, for the most part, the ads do not take away from the user experience. Click on any image to load up the picture or video on a separate page where you can save it, leave a comment, or add it to your favorites. While you cannot use the arrow keys to navigate between different images on the same page, you can use buttons above the image to flip to the next or previous image on the page. This is especially useful when searching for a certain character or fetish. This way you can browse through content without having to back in and out of the page every single time like some other similar sites make users do.Easy to Use Mobile Site
The mobile version of Gelbooru.com is functional and just as easy to use as the desktop site. The previews are much smaller on mobile, but they are still visible and tappable on a mobile device without much issue. The same menus, tags, and search options are made available beneath a drop-down menu on the top right of the page. Even the forum page is functional without requiring users to zoom in and out on text. The same number of ads are present on mobile devices. Overall, a well-formatted mobile site that makes for an easy browsing experience while on the go.Pornsite’s Favorite Features
Pornsites liked the lack of restrictions when it came to uploading content. This allows for users to browse and upload whatever they like without having to pay to see it. That is the main advantage that Gelbooru has over other booru sites. Especially since this site has the same content from most other booru sites as well its own user-uploaded content on top of that. This makes for an absolutely massive catalog. And the infinite tag search filters make it easy to wade through the mountains of content that Gelbooru has to offer.Pornsite’s Suggestions
Like most booru sites, Pornsites thinks that adding another layer of customization to the site for users would be helpful. Being able to toggle the size of previews, sort by popularity or trending images, and being able to toggle a night mode on the site would all be useful additions. The site is fantastic to use as is, but those few changes would make the site much more pleasant to use.Pornsite’s Final Thoughts
Overall, Gelbooru.com is one of the best booru based imageboard sites for restriction-free hentai images and videos. Users can expect to find content from a wide variety of extreme and not so extreme fetishes. The number of options for filtering content and finding specific images was quite impressive. Users would be hard-pressed not to find what they are looking for regardless of how obscure it is. None of the content on this site is hidden behind paywalls, nor does the site require any kind of membership to view everything on it. Pornsites highly recommends Gelbooru.com to anyone with an interest in free hentai images and videos.
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Rule 34 of the internet simply states that “if it exists, there is porn of it.” A quick visit to Rule34.xxx and a look through its incomprehensibly massive three million plus images will verify that rule. Though, for accuracies sake, the site itself
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Sankaku Channel
Due to high consumer demand on a global scale, aggressive professional production, plus amateur art, one of the most saturated markets in erotic entertainment is hentai. Further, since this anime-inspired form of pornography is animated, there are fe
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Danbooru is an extremely popular website that’s been blazing trails around the internet since it first came out in 2006. The site is very similar to a Wikia, in that it’s built around the concept of open source software that lets people upload anythi
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Just like mainstream Japanimation, hentai is being pumped out of the land of the Rising Sun at an incredible rate. This kind of stuff comes out so quickly it is difficult to keep up with everything, but we have a few estimates.
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The world of Rule 34 has been growing steadily since the very first digital artist realized that they wouldn’t have to rely on external sources for perverted renditions of popular characters. Since 2013, Rule 34 Hentai have worked really hard at prov
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