LetsJerk Go to LetsJerk
  • Tons of categories and studios to choose from
  • Thumbnails are large and detailed
  • Videos look amazin
  • Abundance of 720p/1080p/4K content
  • Works great on mobile and desktop
  • Videos load quickly
  • Clickable tags to search similar videos
  • Studios and categories need their own dedicated pages
  • Too many pop-ups
  • No ratings, views, or duration in video listings

LetsJerk.is hasn't been around as long as other free tube sites. Even though it started only in 2017, one thing is for sure in its short lifespan: LetsJerk’s dedication to providing some of the best porn on the Internet. In a short span of time, LetsJerk has added over 55,000 videos. More videos are added all the time from trusted AAA adult brands like Brazzers, 21st Sextury, and more. With so many full-length videos to choose from, visitors are going to have their work cut out for them if they hope to see everything LetsJerk has to offer. Dim the lights, open a few tabs, and enjoy the pornography hosted on LetsJerk!

Tons of categories/studios to choose from

Click on the categories section at the top of LetsJerk. One thing quickly becomes apparent: LetsJerk has a ton of categories just waiting to be explored. It's a bit of a mess and will probably confuse some visitors (more on that in a moment) since the categories and studios page seems to be mixed. Even so, one will find pages featuring categories and AAA studios just waiting for visitors to watch them.

Clicking the studio section may also cause further confusion. The studio page only features a few pages of studio content. Mainly, visitors will see pages that point to free, full-length videos from popular studios like Jules Jordan and Naughty America. It all leads to one apparent oversight:

Studios and categories need their own pages

There are plenty of categories to be found on LetsJerk. Why is it appropriate to list studios with the categories section, yet only contain a few free pages on the studio page? All studios should be on their respective studio page. Categories should stay in the categories section.

It's a confusing approach to categorizing the videos on LetsJerk. Honestly, it's unclear why LetsJerk even did it this way. There isn't any benefit to combining the two sections. Eliminating confusion and the need to search endlessly to find the right category on LetsJerk is essential. Most visitors are going to shrug their shoulders and move onto another part of the website. Or worse: they'll assume the rest of the site is poorly categorized and will go to another popular free tube site. It's an issue easily fixed, and LetsJerk needs to consider doing exactly that.

Thumbnails are large, detailed

For those that skip the categories section altogether, the perks of LetsJerk begins to unfold in front of them. One of the high notes visitors will notice is how detailed the thumbnails genuinely look. Large and detailed while showing enough information to give viewers a good idea to the type of content within, LetsJerk hits all the right marks when it comes to properly using thumbnails. Although some thumbnails look a bit out of focus, most of them look compelling enough that it will entice most people to click through.

The thumbnails are at their best when browsing around the studios and categories sections. Bright and detailed, they look similar to pornographic image thumbnails one might find on a porn image site. LetsJerk uses thumbnails to their benefit!

The videos look amazing!

One thing no one can fault LetsJerk over is just how good the videos look. This isn't a case of videos looking just, 'good enough.' The content on LetsJerk looks as immaculate as if someone streamed the content from its source. It's as if ThePornDude logged onto a Brazzers account and started watching these videos directly from the studio!

That's great news. Free tube sites have traditionally been plagued by content that looks ugly and nearly unwatchable. The availability of high resolutions has spoiled the masses. Many free tube sites are only now catching up and can provide porn with high resolutions. LetsJerk doesn't have that problem.

Lots of 720p/1080p/4K content

This free tube site has zero problems with low-quality content littering its feed because a good chunk of it is displayed at a modern resolution. Most videos can be viewed in 720p/1080p/4K, no matter what type of device you are watching the content on. Smooth, full-length, and at a resolution that cannot be beaten LetsJerk has perfectly nailed its content. For those that want to see AAA porn in all of its glory, it's hard to complain about this free tube site.

Works great on mobile and desktop

It is crucial that every free tube site takes a mobile-first mentality. It's essential for every website to boot. Most people use the Internet on a mobile device rather than a traditional desktop. LetsJerk knows this, which is why they have gone above and beyond to ensure that its content can be easily viewed on mobile just like it can be on the desktop.

No matter where a person is in the world, LetsJerk allows them to watch the compelling content that this free tube site regularly delivers. Sit in the comfort of a home office and watch on the desktop or sneak outside for a few minutes and see the latest offerings on LetsJerk. Whatever one’s situation, LetsJerk makes it convenient for anyone to watch its stellar library of porn wherever they are!

Videos load quickly

In an instant gratification society, most people do not have time to wait for a website to load – never mind waiting for a full-length video. LetsJerk knows that in order to keep visitors from 'jumping ship,' and going to another free tube site, they had to ensure its entire videos library loads fast. LetsJerk has absolutely nothing to worry about. When clicking on a video, the content page loaded immediately, followed by the video playing within a few seconds.

The same thing happened on mobile. Once a video was selected, it loaded quite quickly, allowing the option to watch the entire thing without the wait. Skipping around on videos was easy too. Selecting to watch the video from a different timestamp didn't cause the video to buffer for minutes, either. Everything was reasonably instantaneous, and there was no waiting to be had. While one's mileage will vary depending on cell/Wi-Fi strength and speeds, for the familiar porn aficionado LetsJerk will deliver the speeds they need.

Clickable tags to search similar videos

At the bottom of each video's page is a section that shows tags similar to the video just watched. These tags are clickable. It's a convenient addition, especially for viewers that enjoyed the video that was watched, and they want to see other videos just like it. It's also a great tool for exploring different niches and categories.

Be sure to browse down at the end of each video and notice the similar tags. Who knows? Perhaps many of you will find a new pornstar or category that piques your interest. Use it to expand your horizons and learn about new types of porn!

Too many pop-ups

LetsJerk succeeds where it counts. It isn't perfect, though. One of the problems that plague LetsJerk is the fact that there are just too many pop-ups. Visitors will want to be sure their pop-up blockers are active regardless if they are on desktop or mobile. When clicking a video, it usually automatically opens a new tab with an ad displaying in the old tab.

This makes the pop-up problem a bit easier to manage, but it's still an annoying problem. One pop-up even played a voice in the background, alerting that the device had been compromised as a way to trick less savvy individuals into paying for some bogus software or service. LetsJerk needs to figure out a better option for displaying pop-ups if it's essential.

No ratings, views, or duration in video listings

LetsJerk also needs to go the extra mile and use their thumbnails a little more tactfully. Although they're beautiful and large, they are missing critical pieces of information. Thumbnails lack ratings, view count, or even the duration of the video in question. It certainly saves space on the pages, but at what cost? This is information that is relevant to visitors and could keep some people from clicking on a video. LetsJerk would still save as much space as it is by adding they few items into the thumbnails. It may seem like a small gripe, but it would make browsing around LetsJerk so much more convenient. 

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