DinoTube Go to DinoTube
  • Unique categories
  • Enticing thumbnails
  • Over 42-million videos
  • Source site shows where videos are hosted
  • Good info in video listings
  • Excellent sorting and filtering options
  • Featured categories show numbers in the thumbnails
  • Videos load quickly
  • Excellent translation options
  • Every category should show the number of videos available

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to find any kind of porn, no matter the niche? That's the promise of DinoTube. Opening its doors in 2011, this porn aggregator has something for everyone. So much so that visitors can choose the sexual orientation of the type of porn that appears on the homepage. Simply choose between gay, straight, or trans porn at the top of the page and watch the preferred porn one wants to watch. Watch porn the preferred way – and it’s all thanks to DinoTube.

Unique categories

To say that DinoTube has most categories that people will want to watch is an understatement. DinoTube features a plethora of unique categories. So many in fact that it wouldn’t be prudent to list them all here, but here are just a couple. Expect to find categories like thick, amputee, and tricked, just to name a few.

What’s impressive about the categories here is that a lot of them seem to use adjectives to make their categories even more unique than they normally would be. For example, there are categories like Japanese cheating, redhead teen, cum twice, and so much more. The adjectives truly create unique categories across the board, and it transforms the categories section into something detailed and worthwhile for anyone to browse. Whatever a person is into, they will find something in this section.

Enticing thumbnails

The job of any thumbnail is to force people to click and watch. DinoTube doesn't pull any punches when it comes using the thumbnails properly – and people will want to watch. Although the thumbnails are not uniform and thoroughly detailed across the board (some thumbnails look better than others), they still show some of the best shots of each video. They will make you want to click and watch no matter what kind of mood a person is in.

When looking at the thumbnails of the categories, DinoTube goes even further with the convenience factor. Notice the thumbnail for each category and make a mental note before clicking. After clicking, look at the first few rows of search results for that category.

Notice that the thumbnail used in the category is one of the videos listed at the top of the category. Thus, when a person sees a thumbnail of a category and wants to watch that video, all they have to do is click and look at the first few videos. It's that simple!

Over 42,000,000 videos

Is it possible to watch over 42-million videos? There is no way of knowing. However, in the case of DinoTube, this number isn't going to stay static for long. New content seems to be added regularly – it's a porn aggregator, why wouldn't it be? Thus, if it were possible to somehow watch over 42-million porn videos, that number would have likely jumped by a huge margin over at DinoTube.

That's what's excellent about DinoTube and other porn aggregators like it. There is always something new and exciting to watch, no matter what kind of mood a person may be in. It may sound cliché, but there is something here for everyone. Browse around and dig to see what can be found: the perfect porn video is just around the corner!

Source site shows where videos are hosted

One of the dangers of browsing around a porn aggregator is not knowing where a source site will send a person. Porn aggregators must show where the browser will land once the video has been clicked on. Fortunately, DinoTube does precisely this. The source of the video is in the video listing, letting people know where the video is hosted and what site they will be watching the content on.

Further, visitors can even click the source site at the bottom of each video listing to browse the videos posted by that source site on DinoTube. For example, if a person wants to watch every RedTube video on DinoTube, all they have to do is click the ‘RedTube’ link in the video listing to see every RedTube video posted on DinoTube. It could not be easier!

Good information in video listings

Every porn site must have good listings, regardless of the nature of the content. This goes doubly for porn aggregators. They have to show vital information that can be used to figure out which video is worth clicking on and watching. DinoTube provides this information and more. They show the duration, rating, title, when the content was posted, and if it is in HD, along with the source of the video.

It's an excellent way for people to make an informed decision regarding the right porn for them. When a person is on the fence about what to watch, these informative video listings make the browsing process quicker and painless. Try it out, and see how convenient finding good porn can be on DinoTube!

Good sorting of videos

When it comes time actually to watch the amazing videos featured on DinoTube, the porn aggregator makes it happen. The sorting options available could not be more convenient. People can sort content by popularity, date, duration, and rating. This is complemented by the sensible filtering options (more on that in a moment). The convenience that DinoTube presents cannot be understated and should be applauded.

Good filtering options

Beyond the good sorting options, DinoTube provides a wealth of excellent filtering options that can be applied alongside the sorting solutions. Visitors can filter content by date added, duration, quality (All or HD), or the source. There are plenty of good filtering options here, and the fact that they can be applied alongside other sorting options makes it even easier to find the type of content one is looking for. Try it out today and see how convenient it can be to use the filtering options alongside the good sorting solutions!

Featured categories show numbers in the thumbnails

Not all categories are created equally. This should be apparent to anyone that has browsed a free tube site after reading a review on ThePornDude. Still, all kinds of categories are more popular than others for any number of reasons. To show how many videos are available for the most popular categories on DinoTube, the porn aggregator has decided to place numbers in the thumbnails of its featured categories.

This signifies how many videos there are per category, letting people know the quantity of the most popular categories from the getgo. It's a good idea – especially considering that DinoTube wants to give viewers even more of a reason to click and watch the videos in each popular category. However, one cannot help but feel that DinoTube should have gone the extra mile.

Not all categories have numbers by them

If the most popular and featured categories can have numbers in their thumbnails, then why shouldn't every category on DinoTube feature the same thing? Look, there are hundreds of categories on DinoTube, so that would be a tall order. Still, it would be beyond convenient to know how many videos there are for each category. Considering that other porn aggregators and some free tube sites already do this, it's hard to swallow any kind of excuse as to why DinoTube would have opted to go this route. They should strongly reconsider adding numbers to all categories, not just a couple of the most popular ones.

Videos load quickly

One of the main things to note is that the videos linked on DinoTube load quickly and efficiently. While DinoTube is not responsible for any of the content's speed or reliability that is featured on DinoTube, it seems that the porn aggregator has at least used good, reliable sources. When jumping from DinoTube to the video's source site, it never slowed down or acted out of the ordinary in any way. This is a great thing and provides confidence in browsers that whichever source site they end up on, it's one that they can trust and depend on.

Excellent translation options

Lastly, the translation options featured on DinoTube are something to be applauded. It’s one thing to be able to view millions of videos at any one time. But to be able to translate those videos into a language that people can read is something that DinoTube should be proud of. Pages can be translated to Spanish, German, Japanese, and over a dozen different languages. It's impressive, and it's a feature that all porn aggregators should implement into their sites!


DinoTube.com does a ton of things right: featuring over 40-million videos, good information in video listings, the list goes on. The one thing that DinoTube should fix is the lack of the number of videos for each category. It’s only available for featured categories and should be applied to all of them.

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