VigRX Plus Go to VigRX Plus
  • Erection enhancement pills
  • Clinical study results are available
  • All of the information about the ingredients are made public
  • No reported side effects
  • Money-back guarantee
  • On the expensive side

Make Sure You Last Long Enough

We have all been there, we are in the middle of fucking and we can feel the build-up happening in our balls. That is the moment you know that you are not going to last another 10 pumps or so. It is the moment you need to change positions or start eating her out so she doesn’t notice that you actually can’t last. No need to be shy about it, that is normal, we dudes know that, now girls are not as full of understanding when it comes to that.

I’ve had a girl complain about the fact that I am not cumming, just to turn around next week and say I came too soon. Pleasing a woman is a tough sport, don’t kid yourselves, it can be physically and mentally exhausting, but there isn’t a feeling in the world that can compare it either. With all that being said, I never ever had a problem with erection, not that I am bragging or anything, it is just that I only fuck girls who give me an instant boner, problem solved.

I understand that some of you have problems in your life that can affect your sex life. I am sorry to hear that fellas, but again, that is normal, no matter what she is trying to tell you. However, if your girl is not understanding when it comes to this, maybe it is time to put her in her place. It is time for you to fuck her senseless and show her who is in charge. She can’t handle your dick as well as she thinks she can, right?

The answer to this issue is a simple dick pill, either that, or you need to start fucking girls who you are actually attracted to. No one in their right mind can get hard when he feels no physical attraction to the girl he is fucking. On the other hand, there are so many pill options out there that you are not sure which one to take. Luckily, there is a website where you can get one that is proven, and it is called Let’s see what they are all about.

Solve All Your Problems

Listen, I know how it feels like, actually, almost every single one of us does, you are in the club drunk and you managed to get a girl to go home with you. Everything is going great, you are entering the apartment and when you start kissing, you notice that you are not getting hard. Too much drinking can lead to what they call a Whiskey Dick. Nothing in the world can help you out, even if Adriana Lima herself was naked in front of you on all four.

That is when the magic pill comes in handy. It will ensure that your dick is hard as a rock, I would even take it in the cab to your place, just to make sure I can slide inside her pussy as soon as we walk through the door. That is the business that VigRXPlus is in, helping dudes overcome these issues, whether it is because of too much drinking, low confidence, or any other reason which might lead to a limp dick.

In case you haven’t heard about this website, they have been around for about 15 years. Yes, they have been selling boxes of what they call a “Male Virility Supplement” since 2007. They are boasting about the fact that they have sold over 1.2 Million boxes in that period of time. Listen, that is a pretty damn good number, and on the flip side, you don’t stay in business for 15 years unless you have something worth paying for. That is true for any business in any industry.

What VigRXPlus is selling is a supplement that will ensure that you get a “Bigger, Harder, Longer Lasting Erections on Demand. I understand if you are a bit skeptical about it, but that is what they have written on the top of their website's main page. Realistically speaking, there is only one way to find out, and that is to try them out. However, you need to make sure that you are not buying some cheap shit that will mess your dick up.

Plenty of Clinical Study to Back it Up

When you enter the website you will notice that there is an older guy with his wife or partner next to him. They are both grinning ear to ear, I guess they are trying to tell us that he is fucking her right in his 40s or 50s thanks to the VigRX Plus pills. Again, many similar pills promise the same results, but not all of them deliver. On the other hand, we all know that a good dick solves all the problems a household might have. If you fuck well, your life is peaceful.

Whenever your wife starts yelling at you, simply fuck the living life out of her, and she will get over whatever the fuck got her panties tied in a know. Now, this is easier said than done, so you will have to back up your words with actions. VigRx Plus promises that they can help you with that. They promise you an erection that looks and feels better for both you and your partner, a higher libido, intense orgasms, and better control over your erections.

Sounds like a great deal, right? Wrong! Many pills promise the same results, how many times do I have to say this? Luckily, VigRX offers clinical studies to back all that talk. They actually have a 56-page report which you can read, it is even available as a PDF. Apparently, they tested their pill on 75 guys over an 84-day period. From what I have heard none of them died, nor did their dicks fall off! I call that a huge success. All jokes aside, let’s see what the results say.

The guys who were a part of the study were aged anywhere from 25 to 50 and obviously, they used the pill for all 84 days. The results were quite impressive, if I may say so myself. There was an increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction of 71.43% as well as a 47% increase in their overall sex drive. Also, 60% of them increase their ability to penetrate the girl when fucking, this is obviously very important. Long story short, cocks were harder, guys lasted longer.

Recommended by Dr. Steven Lamm

There is a video on the site’s main page in which Dr. Steven Lamm speaks about the pill. For those of you who don’t know who this dude is, he was the doctor on The View. He is popular among ladies aged 25 to 55, they actually respect this dude, for what reason, I do not know. Obviously, the show was popular, so that made him popular too, but he is definitely not a fraud or anything like that. This dude is the real deal.

He is a best-selling author and a Director of NYU’s Center for Men’s Health. His lifeless facial expression might be boring as hell, but this dude knows what the fuck he is talking about. Props to VigRX, they could’ve found any of the middle-aged celebrities to endorse their pill, but they decided to go with a doctor who is actually educated on the topic. I have seen quite a few similar websites which gave off slimy vibes, but this VigRXPlus is not one of them.

The website is filled with information that you need to take into consideration when buying a pill like this one. Their results sound promising to say the least, and the fact that they have Dr. Lamm endorsing them should speak volumes. Many similar pills are actually just selling you a placebo effect, but that is not the case here. They say that their pills are formulated with “a series of 10 potent natural erection precursors, aphrodisiacs, and libido enhancers.”

Apparently, they work by quickly building up in your system and after some time they improve your performance in bed. There are even reviews from dudes who actually used this stuff, all of them say that this is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Some of them do mention that it takes some time for the pill to start working, as a few weeks, but after that, it will definitely make your sex life a lot better and more interesting.

All the Ingredients are Public Knowledge

The ingredients are listed on the website, some of them are Epimedium Leaf Extract and Asian Red Ginseng. Both of them are well-known herbs that are popular when it comes to libido issues and they have both been around for a long fucking time, even longer than Viagra has. Other ingredients are Catuaba Bark, Hawthorn Berry, Ginkgo Biloba, Saw palmetto, and some Bioperine which ensures that your body takes all of this in.

All of these ingredients are generally considered quite safe, even though if you Google them, you might get mixed reviews. With all of the ingredients, results, and endorsements, it makes sense that the pills are a bit expensive. One box has 60 tablets and it will last you for a month, but know that you will need to pay $69.95 for it. They offer different deals too, so you can get a 3-month, 5-month, and yearly supply. The last one will cost you $539.45.

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