Semenax Go to Semenax
  • Pills that enhance your orgasms
  • The product is clinically proven
  • Natural ingredients
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Some ingredients have limited clinical evidence
  • On the expensive side

The Pill Can Change Your Life

There are too many pills out there that can make your life so much better. Those who are into partying and going on raves know exactly what I am talking about, but those are not the only pills. For example, your grandpa is taking those to fix his blood sugar, even though you hope that you will get his old corvette sometime soon. Damn, it just made me think, are we actually hooked up on pills as a society?

Who knows, maybe we are, that is not important for this review. You know that nothing is more important than a day after pill. We have all been in a situation where we choose to go in raw instead of wearing a condom. Sure, it feels better, but then you either have to pull out, but who is going to resist a creampie? Luckily, if you give her the day after pill first thing in the morning, your life is spared. No children, just pure enjoyment.

I find that to be the most important pill in my sex life, but some of you might think that is viagra. I never understood how someone can have erection problems, I am too horny for that. Maybe, just maybe, you should stop fucking ugly girls you are not attracted to and everything will be fine. However, I do understand how important Viagra is, especially if you are trying to show off to the girl and give her the night of her life.

With that being said, there are many pills out there that promise you better sex life. Some of you even have a dude in your neighborhood who swore that the pill he gave you two weeks ago is the one that will bring all the girls to you. Right, no one has that kind of a superpower to help you. On the other hand, I did run into a website called, so maybe it can actually perform a fucking miracle for you.

I Like the Direct Approach

I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but I passionately dislike websites with misleading names. Luckily, Semenax gets straight to the point and you have a pretty good idea about what they are offering. If there is any doubt for you in the name of the website, all of it will be removed when you enter its main page and get welcomed by a Semen Volume test. I hope that this is enough for you to understand what Semenax is all about.

Okay, genius, let me get straight to the point. The website says that they are offering us a pill, Semenax, which is “clinically proven to increase semen volume and orgasm intensity”. That sounds pretty damn good if you are asking me, anything that can make sex feel even better than it already does should be celebrated. Apparently, longer orgasms, better orgasm control, massive loads, and wild orgasmic contractions are all hidden inside this bottle of pills.

All of this is promised on their website, and as I said, they have done multiple clinical tests. There is a video on the site in which a middle-aged man is talking about the product. He says that the pill is so exciting because it has natural ingredients which will help you impress any partner you are sleeping with. They know how to sell the product, that is for sure, the male ego is the easiest target, and they went right at it.

Many similar pills and products say that they are clinically tested, so it was something I had to check out for myself. Turns out that Semenax wasn’t lying, they even have the results on here so you can check some of them out. Apparently, the study has shown that men who used Semenax have a 20% cum volume when compared to placebos, and also they experienced a higher orgasm intensity. Sounds pretty good if you ask me.

What is Actually in it?

You would think that scamming people would be hard in the 21st century, sure I understand how someone would fall a victim to that like 300 years ago, but not now. However, that is far from the truth because there are many clowns out there believing that an African prince wants to send them his inheritance but needs their bank information first. That is also the reason why you bought those dick enlarging pills from that creepy-looking dude last week.

With great marketing, anything can be sold to people, it’s just how things are. However, Semenax focuses on showing you their hand by listing the ingredients that go into their product. That is the best way to market your product, and have quality stuff in there. So no mystery ingredients or anything like that, just stuff that has already been proven to have a positive effect on the health of a man’s reproductive system.

Those of you who have used products like these before will recognize some of them right away. L-arginine, which will give your boner a slight boost because your nitric oxide levels are increased. Then you have the poor man’s Viagra, Epidemium Sagittatum, some of you might know it as horny goat weed too. It is not poor man’s Viagra because it is cheap or anything like that, but it has similar effects to it, just on the lower end of the spectrum.

When it comes to other Ls you will find here, there are L-Carnitine and L-Lysine too. Testosterone production is increased by these two, and that is always a good thing when it comes to increasing your sex drive. Then you have some ingredients which do not have as many scientific facts to back them up, Butea Superba and Flower Pollen. The former is used as a traditional libido booster in Thailand, while the pollen has many health benefits.

Let’s Talk About Money

Many of you look at products and if you are on the fence about whether you want to buy them or not, you end up looking at the price. If it seems too expensive for what it gives you, then buying it is not an option. I get it, this makes sense when buying clothes, cars, and stuff like that, but when it comes to sex, I do think that almost any price is worth it. You are meant to enjoy yourself, so don’t sell yourself short here.

I didn’t know what to expect when it came to the price of Semenax, but these products generally are not cheap. You don’t want to put cheap stuff in your body, especially when it comes to your dick. With that being said, they offer a few options for those who are interested in buying their product. You are looking at a monthly supply, one which would last you 3 months, and then the 6 months long and year-long ones. These are all normal supply options in the industry.

The shortest one will cost you $59.95, while the 3 month supply is $154.95. Again, there is nothing cheap about these two options, but that is the price you have to pay to enjoy sex to the fullest. If you are looking for better deals then you should be looking at the 6-month long and yearly supply. The first one will run you for $289.95, while the 12-month option is $399.95. These two allow you to save quite a bit of money.

The thing is that as soon as you enter the main page of, you will see that they are offering a super sale. This one is ending in a bit less than 5 hours from the moment of writing. Apparently, it is a code that allows you to save some money at checkout. Honestly, I thought it would be like 30% off or something like that, but they are only giving you a $5 discount, which I find to be a bit disappointing, but beggars can’t be choosers, I guess.

They Offer A Money Back Guarantee

What I like about porn is that you usually get a preview of their content, a short video showing you exactly what you are getting yourself into. Here, you only have words from some of the customers who ended up buying the product itself. It’s not like you can have a trial or anything like that, and for that reason, offers a 67-day money-back guarantee. Not sure where the hell they got the 67 days from, but okay.

This might also be their biggest selling point when you think about it. In 67 days you can return the product, but you probably already used the whole damn thing. I guess the only thing you can be returning is an empty container.

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