The Kristen Archives Go to The Kristen Archives
  • Tons of Quality Stories
  • Hypnotized Celebrities Archive
  • Original Concepts
  • Hardcore Fiction Stories
  • Old-School Textual Website
  • Nothing at All

The Krister Archives is among the friendlier smut sites on the web. Created by a legend known only as Kristen all the way back in 1997 it holds over 15 thousand erotic stories and illustrated archives. Some of these are written by Kristen herself, others are fan submissions. This is truly a one stop shop for literary erotica.

A Classic Literary Erotica Site

It’s one of those internet sites you must have heard of if you’ve been around the block a few times. Literary erotica sites in particular usually come with over two decades of content and history under their belt. The main reason behind their popularity seems to have to do with people’s preference for the written word when it comes to proper pornographic immersion. These sites are the kind of place where you can train your brain muscles, awaken your imagination and make your wildest erotic dreams come true, all from the comfort of your own home. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s your fantasies you’re pursuing or someone else’s – your imagination will fill in the gaps leaving you satisfied every time, until it’s time to swap over to a different book or story.

The Kristen Archives is a site meant for everyone. Whether you’re gay, straight, bi, transgender or uncertain of your identities and preferences, you’re welcome on the site. They’re also quite friendly to people of all ages, because good literature belongs to everyone. In fact, you’re not just welcome to use the site, the content itself is catered to you specifically. How? Well, with over 15 thousand fiction pieces and no bias or genre preference on the site, you’re sure to find at least one, though likely more pieces of fiction that feel like your cup of tea.

A Woman’s Touch

Kristen’s site also comes with a bit of a female tinge to the writing and site design style. That’s not to say that the site is pushing towards feminine only content, but there’s definitely a flair of the dainty and elegant about. The romantic, female-centric mark that Kristen has emblazoned onto her site is an added bonus on top of the quality you get from the site regardless. Make no mistake – men are welcome too. In fact, men in particular have a lot to benefit from this site and Kristen’s feminine touch. They’ll be privy to a ton of insider information on the female heart and soul that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. And all of this is told through the real, raw prism of literary erotica, so you know you’re getting the unfiltered truth, rather than a bunch of packed metaphors.

Other than Kristen’s stories, which are very easy to locate on the site, you’ll see a huge collection of third party submissions. They’re all properly tagged and sorted, but you always have a handy search bar to get you where you need to go. Still, it’s advisable that you check out the categories because writers do tagging better than the average smut connoisseur. Literary erotica is very dense with a ton of undertones. That’s why sometimes it’s better to take someone else’s advice on what you should read rather than diving in wildly. It’s not a matter of finding the best smut, rather, you want to find something that will resonate with you. Not everyone has the same sex drive, so it’s important to find your flavor.

Simple, Accessible, Downloadable

A fun detail about Kristen’s writing – it’s all available in standard document format, meaning you can download the pieces and read them on your computer. You’re not pushed through some sort of third-party book reading software. That means you’re looking at over 90 directories of thousands of books that you can download onto your Kindle or tablet or even your phone. Why be bored on a bus on your way to work when you could read some erotic literature instead. Unlike other forms of pornography, literature is appropriate everywhere. Just make sure not to print out a particularly raunchy cover. Those have been known to turn heads.

Beyond the categories and the home page, you’ll also see the site features section that is littered with appealing tag lines and titles like unusual sites, writer resources and Kristen’s personal favorites. These are all great ways to dive right into the content if you’re a newcomer to the site. Kristen also has a ton of external links up, but they’re a far cry from the third-party shill ads you’re used to seeing on conventional smut sites. These are personally curated recommendations from the lady herself, and they’re all proper sources of more satisfaction for you during lonely nights.

Hot Ink on Heavy Paper

Believe it or not, most of the stories on this site will get you hot and riled up damn near instantaneously, because they usually take place in environments that are typical and easy to relate to. They’re the kinds of moments you might find yourself in your day to day, so relating to the characters in these stories are perfect surrogates for your vicarious sexual satisfaction.

The characters are of course crafted by amateur writers and usually based on their personalities, though blown out of proportion to accommodate for the over-sexualized worlds they find themselves in. You can think of it as the writers’ efforts of living out their wildest fantasies on paper. When the mind is truly free of judgment and consequence, the wildest, most depraved sexual scenarios are free to come out to the surface. Given how realistic these characters are, at least in their passions, it’ll be very easy for you to find a particularly promiscuous fictional individual to identify with. No fetish is too far gone for the world of literary imagination.

The Feel of a Good Book

You also have no reason to feel shame over masturbating to this content, though it’s up to you to decide how and when to do so. It’s harder to masturbate to a good book than it is to say, a video. These stories are rather lengthy and they ramp up very gradually. In such form, they might be more appropriate for female masturbation, given the smaller more delicate motions of that type of downtown shuffle. As a man, you’d have to probably pace yourself carefully for the final payoff and find the best part of the story to finish on.

Moving straight onto the wilder side of things, Kristen’s site features some really original takes on popular smut topics. You’re probably familiar with at least one of the thousands of websites that serve to bring people nude images of celebrities. Fans are fanatical and they like seeing as much as possible of their favorite stars, it’s no surprise. It’s also not exactly news that fans fantasize about having sexual intercourse with their favorite movie stars.

Inventing New Genres

What you won’t find on other websites, however, is the ability to put yourself in a scenario where you are personally having sex with your favorite on-screen star. The world of literary imagination is unbound in practice and Kristen’s site is capitalizing on that quite cleverly. That’s why this site has a section called “Hypnotized Celebrities Archive”. Yes, it’s quite literally an entire section of the site devoted to stories about celebrities who are hypnotized into sexual scenarios with characters that might as well be surrogates for you yourself. This is about the closest you’re going to get to actually sleeping with The Spice Girls. Still, if that happens to be your particular fetish, might as well dive right into Kristen’s ever-growing library.

Onto the more extreme, if you’re tired of vanilla and would like to dive into the chocolate. You’ll find some stories by writers “Lisa and Sharon” that are perfect examples of what the more explicit smut on this site looks like. For instance, a story about a girl named “Rachel” who suffers a very terrifying sexual abuse at the hands of her boyfriend and his close friends. However, this is not a conventional smut site where the action stops with the first money shot. A good writer doesn’t glorify sexual abuse – a good writer sets it up as a premise and then lets the protagonist, in this case Rachel, take her revenge on her abusers in an absolutely thrilling sequence of events that will leave you slack jawed.

Beyond the violent and the depraved, there’s a ton of vanilla in the middle, with stories of hardcore penetration, betrayals, forbidden loves and all the in-betweens. If you’re the type of soccer mom who just wants to get to the good stuff, they have you covered with a ton of sexual scenarios that would make E. L. James blush.

The site is entirely free to use and will probably remain so for as long as the internet is available. You can tell that the people behind Kristen truly care about literature, so you’ll always be made properly welcome on their site. Their community as well is very welcoming to strangers and if you fancy yourself a budding writer, you can submit your work to them the second you think you have a gem on paper. 

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