NovelTrove Go to NovelTrove
  • Wide range of categories to choose from
  • Easily find a story of your liking
  • Earning Possibilities
  • Free Stories/No ads
  • Let your imagination run wild
  • No videos, only reading

Before the internet, you would need to go to a bookstore which held erotic novels to be able to read them. I know right, paper copies, who uses those anymore?! In today’s day and age, we have the Internet, and we don’t even know how lucky we are that it exists. Because of it, you can simply visit the Novel Trove website and browse through a number of sexiest stories available with just a few clicks.

If you are more of a reading type and not so much into the visuals, you can read any of the stories, maybe share them with your girlfriend or wife and get new ideas going, maybe you find something interesting to improve your potentially boring sex life. Who knows, it is even possible that your other half is already reading these novels and hey, there is a chance that you are into the same things. If you are a single woman or your man is not that good in bed, you can share the stories with him and try to give him some tips without hurting his ego.

Once you open the homepage of the website you will see that you can select a category and that there are different ways for you to sort the stories. Listen, unlike regular porn, these sex stories have no limitations, except those imposed by the writer’s imagination, or the lack of. So, everything goes, including sci-fi. There are different categories, and when I say everything goes, I really mean it, BDSM, trans, gay, lesbian, anal, fetishes or romance, they are all here, just a click away. 

After you select a category, you can easily sort them either by having the latest one first, by popularity or alphabetically, whatever you are into, the website doesn’t judge. If there is something specific you are looking for, and don’t want to spend a long time browsing through all of them, you can simply use the search bar which is located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Free of Charge

The best thing about it, it's all free. If you have free time, spend as much of it as you want scrolling and browsing through different categories and read any story you might like. Know that you can even join the community and go through different blogs so you can find people like you or discover new kinks and fetishes you might have, you never know what you will run into on here. Also, if you are one of the people who think they can write and you are looking to share some of your freaky ideas with the readers, go right ahead and write your own story, who knows maybe you become a popular writer on the website.

There is an author you seem to like, that is not a problem as you can also browse through stories based on the author’s name or title. Simply click on “Authors” which you will find on top of the page and type in your favorite author’s name. They go by any names they feel comfortable with, especially if they look to preserve their identity and remain anonymous. You can also find the best writers by simply choosing the most popular ones, it is not a rocket science, but with a little bit of luck, you might be able to find a rocket science related sex story, if you are into something like that.

Sweaty, Hot Blogs and an Opportunity to Earn Money

Remember the blogs we spoke about, yeah those are easily reached through the website as well. When it comes to sex, there are a million of different topics you can discuss, again they are only limited by your imagination, nothing else is holding you back. Fetish you want to share with the community, not a problem, there are hundreds of people like that on there who are willing to share their experiences and help you find new things you might want to try.

This includes some things you have never dreamt of, trust me. Anal play, boobs no problem, everything you want to know about asses and boobs can also be found in one of the blogs. This can also be helpful if you are unsure about your sexuality. Thought you were the dominant one, are you sure about that, because if you are not there is a topic about dominance and submission on the blog as well. You thought it was a joke that it is only limited by your imagination, trust me it is not.

There are fetishes out there I have never heard of, but hey it might be your thing, you never know. Have some free time and bring an open mind to the website and I am sure that you will find whatever it is that you are looking for, or something that you have never thought you would want to try. You can also use the marketplace of the website to market your writing skills and sell them for a price. There are people you can pay to write a story to your liking and potentially live out a fantasy with your partner through that same story.

Topics You Never Knew You Wanted to Read

I know, I know every one of us guys is born to be a porn star, we know it all and we are a God given gift to women. Ask your current partner if she would agree, or if you don’t have one, ask the next girl, or guy you sleep with, you might be up for a rude awakening. If you know what you don’t know, that is even easier, you can have a conversation with people who have more experience than you, or at least make it seem like that, about anything, and I literally mean anything.

But, if you are a woman, you can learn about new things men like but you have never thought about. You have noticed your partner is being a little bit afraid to share his or her fantasies with you when it comes to sex, show them one of these stories and have an open conversation. What’s the worst thing that could happen? If everything else fails, you can go in a different direction, at least you tried to improve your sex life and spice it up a bit.

You know Kellog's, the corn flakes we have all had for breakfast at least once in our lives, turns out they were created for a completely different reason. Yes, of course, they were created for people to eat them in the 19th century but the goals were to make people, mostly men, keep their mind away from sex, and masturbation. The 19th century all of a sudden doesn’t seem all that appealing, does it? I guess if you remove good food and drinks there wasn’t much else to do back then except to have sex.

Who Decides What is Normal?

Read that again. Normal, a world which can sound so dull. We all have a different view on what is normal based on our upbringing, tradition, surroundings and maybe even religion. Through you can easily find people who think similarly as you do. Share stories, open your mind to a completely new world of possibilities when it comes to sex. Watching porn is good, but what happens if any of those porn sites are unable to scratch that itch you have.

On this website you can let your mind loose, use your full imagination and find your type of “normal” people. Again, the website doesn’t judge, far from it, if anything it seems that it promotes people opening up about their fantasies. Don’t get me wrong, the site only contains stories and blogs about people over 18 so you will not find anything illegal on it, all the stories I have read, if they were played out in real life, they seem like all parties would be a part of them consensually. From then on, everything is game.

Explore your sexuality completely, either by reading the stories or by talking to other members of the NovelTrove community. No matter how good at sex we think we are, it is one thing we can never say no to when it comes to improving. If you ask some sex is not supposed to be dull, and there are planty of stories which support that belief. However, if you enjoy sex on the softer side, there are stories for you as well.

Final Thoughts on NovelTrove

If you are disappointed that the website doesn’t offer porn videos or live cam, don’t be. NovelTrove offers a wide range of sex stories and each person can find something which fits their needs, regardless of their sexuality or gender.

The fact that sharing your fantasies is supported by the website and its community says that they are focused on allowing you to live out those fantasies even if it is just through reading stories. Also, as we have mentioned there are a lot of things for you to discover and, who knows, maybe use them with your partner some time. Allow yourself to enjoy different stories and discover your sexuality in a judgement-free environment.

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