- Number of posts
- Quality and authenticity of most posts
- Contact info for every ad
- Listings from all over the world
- Mobile friendly
- Confusing layout
- Hard to browse
- There still are scammers
- Not every post has all the necessary info
The Perils of Prostitution
Being a sex worker can be a very dangerous job. In fact, it might be one of the most dangerous professions there is. A prostitute has so many threats to be cautious of, every day and every night. For starters, especially in the United States, she has to be on the lookout for the law. Cops routinely conduct prostitution stings all across the US on a daily basis. Every time a sex worker takes on a new client, there is the very real potential that he could be an undercover cop, waiting to arrest her the moment she agrees to perform a sex act in exchange for cash. Or, even worse, he could be a dirty undercover cop who accepts the sex act before slapping the cuffs on her wrists (and not in the fun, kinky way either). Then, there is the threat of having the misfortune of taking on a scumbag of a John. Many clients could easily overpower an escort, forcing her to do whatever he wants, regardless of what she’s agreed to be a part of beforehand. There is no guarantee that an escort’s client will be a gentleman. In fact, the moment she invites a man into her home or gets behind his own locked door, there is no telling what he might do. Men can be monsters, as we all know. How many prostitutes, do you think, have fallen victim to violently drunk clients that can’t take no for an answer? It is almost impossible to say … which is why many sex workers end up requiring protection. And, unfortunately, these forms of ‘protection’ have historically been some of the greatest threat to the prostitute. Yes, we are talking about the pimp. Sure, a pimp can act as a muscle for the girl, ensuring that a client pays up if he refuses or that he gets what is coming to him if he acts inappropriately. But, more often than not, it is the pimp himself who is the vilest creature in the world of the sex worker. There are countless documented tales of pimps beating prostitutes for coming up short and extorting girls for an unfair cut of the money that she’s earned. To the pimp, a sex worker is viewed as property – more a money-making object than a human being. And that must be horrifying.The Internet Makes Life Easier for All
There are dangers to you as well, as the John, albeit to a much lesser degree. When you commit to buying an escort’s time, you, too, are putting yourself in danger of legal ramifications. That, of course, is only a threat in jurisdictions where prostitution is illegal. But undercover operations are also geared, just as frequently, at the men who attempt to order hookers. Nobody is safe, it turns out, from Johnny Law. Luckily, however, the internet has altered the landscape of the sex worker industry. Being a prostitute looks almost nothing like it did 20 or 30 years ago. Gone are the days of scantily clad girls wandering sketchy streets at night, soliciting random cars for a good time. Today, the majority of the sex workers utilize escort ad sites in order to garner most of their business. Which makes it much safer for everyone involved. Today, thanks to sites like these, a girl can employ herself independently. Now that connections can be made easily and quickly online and men can be vetted beforehand, the pimp has been rendered mostly obsolete. A working girl can finally work on her own terms, making 100% of her hard-earned profits instead of only a fraction. Things have gotten a little better for the John as well in the digital age. Although there is still always the risk of being tricked by an undercover cop, the escort ad site makes it much easier to sniff out a fraud. Some sites even have built-in review services, allowing you to get a glimpse into not only an escort’s authenticity but her abilities as well. There is safety in numbers, of course. But, as is the case with any kind of site on the web, some escort ad sites are much better than others. There are a few telltale signs, though, in order to know which site will be right for you. You’ll want to look at how much information is provided about each service provider, whether or not there are reviews (or links to reviews) available on the site, how many of the ads smack of a scam, and the number of photos available. When choosing an escort ad site, you want to be just as picky as you will be in actually choosing your escort. Because the quality of your girl is going to depend, almost entirely, on the quality of the site on which you found her.The Most Helpful Escort Ad Site?
Today, we will be looking at one of the most frequented (and frequently helpful) escort ad sites in the world, Skip the Games. As the site’s name implies, this escort ad directory aims to cut through the scams, the BS, and the trouble that can so frequently occur in the adult companionship industry. And, so, not only do they host tons of local escort ads for you to peruse and follow up on, they also feature some very useful articles, which would behoove novice escorts and Johns alike to take a look at. You’ll have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find this section of the site, it is not featured prominently in the site menu bar or anything like that, but if you are new to the whole escort ordering game, it will probably be wise to do so. Here, you will find useful tips for navigating this illustrious (though often risky) world. Find articles such as, “How to Identify Fake Escort Ads and Avoid Scams;” “Escort terms, Sex Definitions, and Abbreviations in Escort Ads;” and The Fine Legal Line between Escort and Prostitute: Some Strategies for an Escort to Stay Out of Trouble.” Reading through these before beginning the hunt for your lady will make your life (and hers) so much easier. Once you’ve done your homework, using the site itself is actually quite easy and intuitive. At the top of the page, you will find a search bar that has a few options for you to select from dropdown menus. First, make a selection in a box labeled “I am a” to choose your gender (man, woman, couple). Then, pick an option from the “Looking for” box (female escort, male escort for men, TS escort, massage or massage studio, domination/fetish, etc. You can search for just about anything you could require as far as sex work is concerned. There is even an option for browsing adult job postings. Perhaps your dreams of starring in a porno could come true on Skip the Games.Ads Themselves Could be Better Moderated
As far as the escort ads themselves are concerned, though, to be frank, this site is pretty hit or miss. Some service providers post plenty of pics, all the info you could need, a list of prices, physical stats, as well as a comprehensive list of services they are willing to provide in exchange for your donation. Others, however, may only have one or two photos, no stats, and no useful information on what they are willing to do or for how much. One thing that you can count on Skip the Games for, however, is a means by which to contact the escorts. Every ad, at the very least, comes with a phone number and/or a button to email her. So, if you are ever skeptical about a given provider, Skip the Games will always give you the necessary tools to contact her and figure it out for yourself. The other thing that could be improved about this site is the way in which the ads are listed. Instead of displaying ads in a list format, allowing you to click through, one girl at a time, Skip the Games has chosen to curate posts by date and photo. This means that, underneath a certain date, you will see a bunch of unorganized thumbnail images … which makes it way more difficult than it has to be to discern which pic is for which post. You are likely, then, to end up opening way more tabs than you need to. Not to mention the fact that you are going to have to do so much unnecessary digging yourself. If Skip the Games were to simply index ads by post, on the other hand, it would save us a lot of time and energy. All in all, though, there are certainly worse escort ad sites out there. Pornsites is a fan of the number of ads you will find on this site, the fact that most of them seem legit and have enough pics, and that they provide useful resources for escorts and Johns alike. A better organizational structure and perhaps a rating or reviews system, however, could push this site up to the number one spot.
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Escort Sites
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+56 Escort Sites like SkipTheGames

Bedpage is a classifieds website that nominally presents itself as containing advertisements and listings for a wide range of sales and services, but is in fact almost entirely dedicated to advertisements for various kinds of sex work.
The site ha
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Euro Girls Escort
Escort agencies, not to mention directories, are one of the most misunderstood types of companies and websites out there on the web. And given the apparent interests in our readership is rather unfortunate, considering that those platforms can be fan
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Prostitution is often referred to as the world’s oldest profession. But it is also one of the world’s most dangerous professions. For a sex worker, there has always been constant threats to deal with. Especially for a sex worker in the United State
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It is often said that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. The one thing that probably does not get discussed nearly as often as it should is the fact that prostitution is also one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. An escort f
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Ever find yourself navigating the world of adult entertainment, specifically in the realm of high profile escort sites, and simply being overwhelmed with the sheer quantity of options but not finding the quality you're looking for? Oh, how we yearn f
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Founded in 2014, ListCrawler provides a variety of ads in one’s local area that will show users the hottest and sexiest escorts around. ListCrawler is somewhat like a porn aggregator in that it’s a list aggregator, but its intent is to hook visitors
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There is no such thing as too many escort sites. Escort Babylon proves this. Founded in 2012, the escort site makes it simple for people to find an escort in their city. The site also allows users to track down the past posts of potential providers a
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Welcome to TSEscorts.Com. Generally, this is a website where you can get contact information on the hottest and most talented transgender and crossdressing escorts from almost every major location in the world. The site’s been around 2005 and has sin
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Today, with the internet, all industries evolve at a faster pace than before. The meat industry, game industry, fashion industry, all of them. Every single one. And of course, that includes the porn industry as well. Maybe this industry has evolved a
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I'm assuming that because you're here, you're seeking a reputable escort service and service provider. You're at the correct spot, guys! Instead of wasting your time watching pointless porn videos the whole day, go meet actual ladies. One of the be
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No matter where in the world a person may be, chances are there is an escort in their country ready to meet them on Escort News.eu. Helping people to learn about and ultimately meet up with escorts since 2008, Escort News is all about making the proc
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I don't care what anyone tells you. As long as you are not hurting anyone else, focusing only on all life's pleasures would be best. There are too many, and some are much simpler than others. I will forever point out that one of the best things I'v
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