- Fantastic value if you pay for a year in advance
- Included unrestricted downloads
- Additional access to network sites
- Perplexingly bad site design
- No tags and categories
- Broken search function
Indian GF Videos is a premium amateur porn site that specializes in scenes containing Indian wives and girlfriends that you won’t find anywhere else online. The site benefits from a back catalog of over ten years of regular uploads, as well as its membership in The GF Network, one of the world’s biggest groups of unique amateur porn videos.
The videos are noticeably amateur. Indian amateur porn, in particular, tends to be a bit lower quality in terms of resolution, but this is less true here than it is on many amateur Indian porn sites. Still, you’ll be able to tell the difference between this and porn produced in a studio. But, that cuts both ways—the videos on Indian GF Videos are also more passionate and less sterile than your average professional porno.
Basic But Functional
The site’s design philosophy seems to follow form over function. Aside from the array of video thumbnails that you’ll see on the main page, there isn’t really a lot to distract the eye. You can choose between photos and videos, but beyond that, there isn’t much to do. You won’t find advanced features like a model directory, or even some simpler and basic features like a category or tag listing. These features are totally absent, in fact.
Thankfully, the content itself is just good enough that these failings don’t leave the site dead in the water. The curated collection has more hits than misses, and the average video is of a high enough resolution (relative to most Indian amateur videos) and is long enough and hot enough that you can’t really go wrong.
The same is true of the photos—again, they’re not as well shot or even as well lit as professional studio photography, but there’s something here that big budgets just can't replicate. Amateur girlfriend and ex-girlfriend pics have a certain raw appeal that can’t be reproduced in a studio, no matter how much effort is put into a photoshoot. Many people skip over porn sites’ photo sections in favor of the video pages that are so often seen as the main attraction, but there’s enough top quality content here that you shouldn’t do that with Indian GF Videos.
A Few Flaws
Unfortunately, Indian GF Videos is far from perfect. Yes, the content itself is incredible, but nearly everything around it is average at best, and often much worse. Aside from sorting the list in a few different ways and aimlessly scrolling through the videos, you can’t really navigate through the library in any useful way. Even basic features like tags and categories, which are almost always present even if not effectively used, are totally absent on Indian GF Videos.
What you can do is search—but even this doesn’t work as expected. Most sites’ search functions rely on metadata as a necessary precursor: things like the tags and categories that the site neglected to implement. Without some raw material for the search to look through, not much can be done. All you’re left with is titles, which unfortunately aren’t descriptive enough to lead to a meaningful search more often than not. You may find what you’re looking for on a fluke, but you’re probably more likely to land on something good by just checking out the thumbnails.
Thankfully, the content is consistently good enough that Indian GF Videos isn’t totally spoiled by these missteps. A vast majority of the videos are long enough, hot enough, and well shot enough that you don’t need a bunch of filters to find a good video. If clicking on whatever thumbnail looks good didn’t end up giving you a good video more often than not then Pornsites.com wouldn’t be able to recommend Indian GF Videos, but that isn’t an issue here.
Since you have to use the tools your given, your best bet is to make the most of the few sorting options that do exist. The Most Recent sort is more useful than it is on a lot of sites, due to the fact that almost all of the videos here meet a high standard, and because uploads are relatively frequent. If you are finding that this isn’t giving you quite what you want, though, the Top Rated and Most Viewed options are an even better way to ensure that the best content rises to the top.
Incredible Value
Since Indian GF Videos is very polarizing—it does have great porn, but it also falters when it comes to basic navigational options—the safest choice for most people is signing up for the very affordable one day trial, which only costs one dollar. If you regret your decision you can easily cancel, but if you enjoy what they have to offer enough to swallow the missing features, you can switch to a longer term plan.
The next shortest commitment is the month-to-month plan, which costs a little under thirty dollars per month. This is about average for a short term premium porn membership, but it’s hard to recommend this option when things get so much cheaper if you join for a little bit longer. The three-month plan isn’t terrible, at about twenty dollars per month, but the real savings come in when you sign up for an entire year.
That plan will be charged as a single payment of a bit less than one hundred dollars, which ends up being equivalent to about eight dollars per month. This would be an incredible value for everything we’ve discussed so far, but it becomes almost unbelievably good when you take into account all of the bonus features that come with your membership.
One feature that can’t be ignored is unrestricted and unlimited download capabilities. This often costs extra, if it’s even offered at all, so the fact that its included with such an affordable membership makes adds even more value to Indian GF Videos.
But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Every membership with Indian GF Videos also gives you access to the entire GF Network—more than fifteen sites, each containing hundreds of videos that meet the same high standards as Indian GF Videos. And if that somehow isn’t enough porn, you even get access to a page containing deep discounts to a handful of rotating third-party sites, too.
This value is made even more unbelievable when you consider the amount of content that a membership with Indian GF Videos entitles you to. In addition to the entire catalog of videos on this site, you also get access to the entire GF Network—not only does this include five sites dedicated to all types of Indian porn, but ten other amateur porn sites focusing on other races, fetishes, and more.
The site does, disappointingly, engage in some dishonest practices when it comes to luring you into the site. The landing page that appears before you sign up or log on shows off some pictures of beautiful women that are purportedly a part of Indian GF Videos. The women that you’ll find in the site are in fact beautiful, but they aren’t these women at all. The site claims that you can watch the videos that they tease on this page once you sign up, but no matter how hard you search they’re nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, the videos are good enough that this bait and switch doesn’t ruin the site, but it’s something to keep in mind—don’t sign up just to watch one of the landing pages’ videos, because that will leave you sorely disappointed.
A Polarizing Proposition
Indian GF Videos is simultaneously excellent and terrible in different aspects. The site comes through on the most important factor—the videos are excellent. The value, too, is nearly unbeatable. But just about everything else about the site falls short. Free porn sites had better filters and more effective sorts twenty years ago than Indian GF Videos has today. For a premium porn site, that’s nearly inexcusable.
And yet, the balance comes out in Indian GF Videos favor. Still, there are too many flaws with the site to unequivocally recommend it, even if the videos are too good to recommend against it. If you’re interested in amateur Indian porn, you should at the very least get the trial membership—whether or not you continue for the long term is up to you, but the site deserves at least a day of your attention.
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